How About A Good Night's Sleep?

This is a story of a man who was at his wits end trying to deal with restless leg syndrome. He had countless sleepless nights and he was not only keeping himslf awake but his wife also. He couldn't perform his work properly during the day because he was so exhausted from so little sleep.

Finally in desperation he went to see a doctor thinking he was going to come away with medication to stop his incessant creepy crawly, twitching legs. All the doctor could do was to prescribe a sleeping pill and he didn't want to be taking an addictive drug just to end up with two problems.

Things continued to get worse as he turned himself into a human guinea pig, testing out every cure he would learn about to get rid of the restless leg syndrome. He tried all the old wives tales including the one about sleeping with a bar of soap under the bedsheets. None of these methods helped. Some would give him temporary relief but it was only a bandaid. He was looking for a solution to actually cure the cause of the restless leg syndrome.

Finally at his mother in laws insistance she took him to see her brother who was a licensed doctor, but he believed in using natural methods to alleviate ailments. He found out that RLS has nothing to do with the legs at all, but the jumping legs were a result of the true problem. The doctor also said it could be cured at home and no need to take medication to do it. He said that doctors get a lot of the information for treating illnesses and disorders from the pharmaceutical companies who send their representatives around pushing the latest pills. They are financially motivated to only help people deal with symptoms of illnesses not curing the cause.

With this doctor's home remedy this man was soon cured of this sleep robbing disorder. So if you want to rid yourself forever from suffering from the nightmare of restless leg syndrome, and want to use natural remedies you can use at home then go here for more information: restless leg syndrome home remedies


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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Restless Leg Syndrome Remedies

  Before one seeks natural restless leg syndrome remedies, let us understand what it is and how it is caused. Ever felt that your legs seem to move for no apparent reason, almost like they have a mind of their own. I am sure most of us have experienced some burning, tugging or crawling sensation in our legs that urges us to move the legs to get rid of the sensation. This feeling of restlessness or uneasiness in the legs is known as restless leg syndrome (RLS) and also as Wittmaack-Ekbom's syndrome, and is classified under neurological disorders. Learn about some restless leg syndrome remedies which include medications and home remedies. Read more on sleep disorders.

Restless leg syndrome can cause quite a bit of discomfort. However, it is not always severe or permanent. In most cases, it is only momentary and the feeling hardly ever comes back. There are basically two types of restless leg syndrome.
•Primary RLS: Common of the two, primary RLS is a lifelong condition and its causes are relatively unknown. It leads to disturbed sleep patterns because of the pain associated with them.
•Secondary RLS: This type is usually caused due to certain medications or as a symptom of other health conditions, mainly of anemia, Parkinson’s disease, etc. It ceases to occur, when the complication is treated.

Restless Leg Syndrome: Causes and Symptoms:
    Iron deficiency is a common cause for restless leg syndrome to occur. Nerve damage in the legs is seen as another cause. Pregnant women in their third trimester also experience RLS. Genes are the reason for nearly 60% individual to have this syndrome in varying severeness. Smokers and alcoholics often complain of odd sensations in the legs. Individuals who have health conditions related to hypothyroidism, diabetes, kidney failures often have this syndrome. Excess use of caffeine, alcohol, H2-histamine blockers and certain antidepressants too causes restless leg syndrome.

   Restless leg syndrome symptoms are often feelings of burning, itching, crawling, pain, aches, or plain numbness. There is constant urge to move the legs. The symptoms vary in severity and duration from person to person. For some, it starts off just before sleep time resulting in disturbed sleep. It usually tend to increase with age and when it is a symptom of another condition, its improvement or deterioration completely depends upon the condition. However in some, symptoms don't even show.

Restless Leg Syndrome Remedies:
Restless leg syndrome treatment completely depends upon the severity and the associated disease. The underlying cause is first detected with the help of physical examination, medical history, blood test and muscle or nerve examination.
Restless Leg Syndrome Medication: The first line of medication for severe diagnosis is medications meant for Parkinson's disease which help in reducing the amount of motion in the legs by changing the level of the chemical messenger dopamine in the brain. Narcotic medications like Opioids are also prescribed (with plenty of restrains) to relieve mild to severe symptoms. As the the syndrome affects the legs muscles causing pain, muscle relaxants are given. When sleep is severely disrupted, sleep medications are prescribed. Over the counter medication is not recommended for treating this problem. Supplements to counter the effect of iron deficiency may also be recommended to relieve or improve the symptoms. Read about sleep disorder: restless legs syndrome in children.

Restless Leg Syndrome Home Remedies: A few lifestyle changes will go a long way in treating restless leg syndrome. Soak legs in warm water to relax muscles. Apply warm or cool packs regularly, learn a few breathing exercise to increase blood flow in the legs. A few stretching exercises will help too. Cut down the intake of caffeine and alcohol consumption, and reduce smoking. Learn more on restless leg syndrome home remedies. Restless leg syndrome remedies will help one tide over lots of pain and some sleepless nights.
By Loveleena Rajeev

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